Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Baucus Adds Small Business Wellness Grants to Reform Bill

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) has amended his version of the health reform bill to add a $200 million program to help small businesses establish wellness programs. The funding would allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services to make grants for up to five years to businesses with less 100 than full and/or part-time employees (to provide access to comprehensive, evidence-based workplace wellness programs.

Qualifying programs will include the following components to help employees make healthier choices: health awareness (such as health education, preventive screenings and health risk assessments), employee engagement (such as mechanisms to encourage employee participation), behavioral change (elements proven to help alter unhealthy lifestyles such as counseling, seminars, on-line programs, self help materials) and supportive environment (such as creating on-site policies that encourage health lifestyles, health eating, physical activity and mental health).

Grant money from this amendment would only be available for employers that are not already providing qualified wellness programs.

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